Arthur Yeung is a photographer who Is passionate about capturing unforgettable natural moments of life.

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Copyright 2017 Arthur Yeung All Rights Reserved

I am Art.

A Photographer, a Geek, a Good Friend and a Family Man

What about me

Everybody can take beautiful photos. To me, photography is about capturing the moments, capturing the memories, capturing what I see and then convey my thought, my feel and messages to my viewers. Whether or not this is a cute child, a happy family, trees in a foggy morning, tiny flower petals, a water droplet or a special event, there were a lot of thoughts before I triggered the button. 

I am very lucky to have a group of friends who appreciate my effort and like my photos. They are very supportive and usually give me a lot of opportunities and encouragement to keep me going. When I see my photos being hung on the wall when I visit their house, I know I did something great. Thank you all, you know who you are!

My family (photo to the right) has dominated my life. My wife is my MD soulmate, and the children are simply trouble makers lovely. They give me unlimited support in whatever I do (and of course because of them, the effort is usually triple in whatever I do). Fortunately, my children are not camera-shy (and you can probably tell after seeing the photos in my portfolio) so I have plenty of photo opportunities. I am so lucky to have them and I just love them to the bits!

I love you too if you manage to get to this far! Thank you.


My Interests

Appreciate photography from all angels



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